10 things I'd like to know 'bout my self as a baby

Being adopted is .. .well, that's how it is, right. Whatever we as humans have been given by life becomes the premisses within which we learn to navigate - and it's part of moulding us into who we become -- I guess.. U know - it's just my experience that as an average person among persons - that we all like to know 'bout our history - like oh I've 'gotten' grannys nose or daddy's talent for music or whatever
.. and just last year I got some papers from my now aging mum which included a letter from the manager of the Seoul Adventist Hospital, Ms. Fay Welter, where she tells that they found me at the City Reception Center and that I was a healthy baby.
These to some small or insignificant infos are such gifts to me, as adopted without an anchor to the ancestor's shore.. and it's the first time I got to see this letter..
Anyways ;) here's 10 things I'd like to know 'bout my self as a baby from the time when I was born in Korea somewhere - probably Seoul perhaps Ahndong - until I landed in Copenhagen Denmark on my 1-year birthday
1. what kind of pregnancy did my oma have?
2. did my oma have an easy birth?
3. was my appa around during pregnancy and birth - did he meet me?
4. did she breastfeed me or was I taken away straight after birth?
5. a quite or a lively baby?
6. first 'words'?
7. responded to which sounds?
8. did someone give me the 1-year birthday and which item did I choose?
9. did I cry/smile when you said 'see you later perhaps next time around'?
10. would you, oma and appa, recognize me now?
hi there..
i wish u will meet ur oma.
i am from malaysia, and my sister is a big fan of korean drama. i just like dae jang geum drama. i also one of member in leeyoungae.net.
my sister with her own iniciative, learn to read korean writing. well... if u have time, can we keep in touch?
Thank u. I love k-drama too - are u wathcing Hwang Jin Yi - it's being aired at present, truly beautiful story of one of the most famous Korean gisaeng. will look up your blog.
Hi, I am also a Korean living and working in London. I am currenlty learning Danish so I can communicate with my Danish boyfriend's family (men Jeg synes, det er meget svert.) Anyway, I just wanted to say that your simple 10 questions touched my heart. Something I have taken for granted...I hope that you will find your omma appa.
Hi Euri, thanks for your comment, I'm glad to have raised a little spark of awareness - tried to leave you a comment but your blog is a private one :( let me know if you want to meet up one day if/when in Copenhagen !
Jeg lurte på om du vet noe mer om Seoul Sanatorium and hospital orphanage also Sung Yuk Won Adoption Program
Miss Fay Welter, Director
I. P. O. Box 1243
Seoul, Korea
Jeg er adoptert via samme program, iallfall samme Fay Welter og prøver å fionne ut noe mer om dette.
Med vennlig hilsen
Hanne Tangenes, Norge
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