Wishing upon a star...for all of us ^^
Surprise-parties are more fun for the ones, who're arranging it - ha ha..someone better watch out! Thank you again to all of you for making this birthday really special !!

This pic is from around my 1-year birthday - after arriving in Denmark in August 1968. I'm in my grandmother's garden with my mum, holding me.

This picture of my 1-year 'birthday party' could have, should have, would have.. been different, if life's patterns had been, would have, might have... - but then again - what can I do? Though it causes an unconcious sense of belongingness and familiarity for me to physically be present among Koreans in Korea, I still wonder - should I meet Korean relatives one day (soon?) - whether I would feel a similar bond and feelings of love which I can see exists in my mother when she sits with little me in my grandmother's garden..
Now - after 4 weeks of Korea - in my breath, my sight, my ears, my senses and my heart - temples, cultural sights, mountains, precious haegum and kayagum lessons, Korean planning-schedules-changing-letting-go-go-with-the-flow, IKAA Gathering and colourful moments, the look in someone's eyes in Korea for the first time, while on the bus driving through landscapes of Korea or the feeling in the Seoul Race Park hall when the first-lady speaks words of wisdom and inspiration straight to all of us as adoptees..or when the 'boys' smile flappergasted at the whirling violin-Bellatrixes - well, my heart just becomes like a soft, happy *puppy* - grateful to be part this international network, to be sharing these moments with so many great people.
I look at pictures of myself from these past weeks in Korea and though hours of sleep were less and veggie food was less and the emotional body got more than enough exercise ; ) However - I look really happy and free from within - and - then I realize..this goes for all of us!!! just look at pictures of yourself from at home and from when in Korea ^^ I'm sure you're your shining best in the Korea pics!
One of my friends just wrote about the urge for a regular 'shot of Koreaness' :) Agree - Don't underestimate the freedom one feels after even a few days on kimchi and socializing with adoptees from around the world, learning hangul, making ricepaper boxes, whatever.. as long as it's personal experiences of Korea in Korea with Koreans.
I guess there are lots of issues, personal or within the international adoptee community, we need to grow to accept - one of them being the many taboos and lack of understanding about 'adoptees' in our adoptive countries and in Korea as well!
But after this IKAA Gathering - I am assured that with every Gathering to come, we'll find new ways to keep developing our growing international community and the resources we all represent!
I'm wishing upon a star..for all of us ^^

This pic is from around my 1-year birthday - after arriving in Denmark in August 1968. I'm in my grandmother's garden with my mum, holding me.

This picture of my 1-year 'birthday party' could have, should have, would have.. been different, if life's patterns had been, would have, might have... - but then again - what can I do? Though it causes an unconcious sense of belongingness and familiarity for me to physically be present among Koreans in Korea, I still wonder - should I meet Korean relatives one day (soon?) - whether I would feel a similar bond and feelings of love which I can see exists in my mother when she sits with little me in my grandmother's garden..
Now - after 4 weeks of Korea - in my breath, my sight, my ears, my senses and my heart - temples, cultural sights, mountains, precious haegum and kayagum lessons, Korean planning-schedules-changing-letting-go-go-with-the-flow, IKAA Gathering and colourful moments, the look in someone's eyes in Korea for the first time, while on the bus driving through landscapes of Korea or the feeling in the Seoul Race Park hall when the first-lady speaks words of wisdom and inspiration straight to all of us as adoptees..or when the 'boys' smile flappergasted at the whirling violin-Bellatrixes - well, my heart just becomes like a soft, happy *puppy* - grateful to be part this international network, to be sharing these moments with so many great people.
I look at pictures of myself from these past weeks in Korea and though hours of sleep were less and veggie food was less and the emotional body got more than enough exercise ; ) However - I look really happy and free from within - and - then I realize..this goes for all of us!!! just look at pictures of yourself from at home and from when in Korea ^^ I'm sure you're your shining best in the Korea pics!
One of my friends just wrote about the urge for a regular 'shot of Koreaness' :) Agree - Don't underestimate the freedom one feels after even a few days on kimchi and socializing with adoptees from around the world, learning hangul, making ricepaper boxes, whatever.. as long as it's personal experiences of Korea in Korea with Koreans.
I guess there are lots of issues, personal or within the international adoptee community, we need to grow to accept - one of them being the many taboos and lack of understanding about 'adoptees' in our adoptive countries and in Korea as well!
But after this IKAA Gathering - I am assured that with every Gathering to come, we'll find new ways to keep developing our growing international community and the resources we all represent!
I'm wishing upon a star..for all of us ^^
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