Thursday, January 17, 2008

Presenting the famous kimchi á lá Mee Rim

After lots of blog posts with food for the mind - here comes one with food for the stomach ^-^ another post about kimchi.

Making the Korean national dish of kimchi and on top of that, making it at Mee Rim's place is a delightful experience for the senses.

As we chit-chat and prepare the raddish, the cabbage, the garlic and ginger etc. aromas fill the room with a gush of freshly salted and washed cabbages, which blend with the pungent aroma of garlic and ginger - and when chilli is added to the mix and the shredded radishes are tossed and turned with this paste, magic takes place and turns the ingredients into a delicious and perfect red filling to put into the cabbages.

mmmm... kimchi's the perfect sidedish in winter time, because of the chilli and ginger that warms you up - and it's perfect in the summer time, because it provides a delicious spark of freshness amongst the humidity of Seoul - whenever is kimchi not a perfect sidedish :) even had it with the traditional Danish (veggie) Christmas dinner, where it proved as a fantastic company to the red cabbage and the sugar brown potatoes.

And here is.. the secret of Mee Rim's kimchi - for your eyes only :) (and for those who read hangul only ^_^)

Leave a comment and a mailadress and I'll translate!


Blogger Betsy said...

Happy (belated) new year! Hope 2008 brings you lots of happiness, health and good fortune!

Your post made my mouth water! Unfortunately my hangul skills have become a bit rusty. ;-) Would you mind sending me a translation?

big hugs,

11:50 AM  

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