Thursday, September 20, 2007

"Dynamic Korea" - "Wonderful Copenhagen" :: branding of nations

Online Videos by

Branding is about creating values and transferring those values to the consumer via the product. The tranferring of values are often more alluring and of greater sales value than the actual product. And with globalisation and an ongoing emphasis on the theory of the experience economy, we buy not only values but an experience where the item is the entrance fee.

When I buy ecological vegetables, I buy the value of an environmentally friendly farmer, who grows vegetables without exploiting the soil as opposed to the non-ecological discount substitute salad leaf, which has been grown artificially without sunlight in a non-natural environment.

When I choose to go to Korea or start business in Korea - I get..let's see the video again, 'fascinating people, thousands of years of arts tradition, technological innovation, martial arts, beautiful and servile women(?).. anyway, the point is, we are living in a world where nations have to actively brand themselves. And - when branding - of course no need to show off the other side of the coin.

In Denmark the industry as well as several right-winged politicians have worked on branding Copenhagen and Denmark in various ways, some via Danish design for increased export (right now the Danish crown prince and princess is in N.Y. in the name of branding), some via music to get MTV Awards in Copenhagen and then again some to get OL in give some examples.

But this short tv-commercial for Korea - oh no, "Dynamic Korea!" is still light-years ahead. I can only wonder which branding Denmark would go for...last time branding of Denmark was succesful was "Wonderful Copenhagen", which (for those who remember) portrayed a police officer stopping traffic to give space for a mother duck to pass the street with her ducklings.

In my point of view, the nostalgia of this poster is somewhat similar to the effects used in some of the North Korean art works, which of course cannot really be compared since those belong to a rather different category of "branding" of a nation..

If in London - still time to see North Korean arts exhibition at La Gallaria Pall Mall

Friday, September 14, 2007

"Dad" called in during my web-cam participation on KBS live tv show - "Missing person"

2 weeks ago I participated via webcam at KBS live tv-show "Ku Saram pogo shipoyo/Person I'm missing" where adoptees (international and national) in their search for relatives get to go on national tv.

I haven't been interested in using this media in looking for my Korean relatives, but strange how things happen - while in Korea this summer, some messages got mixed up and I ended up with a message laaate in the night telling me to meet at 7.00 am next morning aarrghh..where I had to join in as audience/backgroundfilling for a KBS special show on international adoption..and honest to say I'd rather have joined some of the other IKAA Gathering meetings. But since the organiser from G.O.A.L. was in trouble if I didn't show up because the KBS people had already made my name sign??!.. well, being the nice girl I am, I eventually went there - and I'm glad I may turn out to be a lucky thing *

Because I got to participate on a later live-show via webcam from Cph - 2 weeks ago.

On a Monday evening after 2 short hours of sleep - I got up at 1.00 am in the night and was on webcam until 3.00 am in the morning, practising with the Korean translator, running through questions etc. while feeling quite..zzZZZ tired ^^

and then around 3.00 am. - the show was running live - I wathced the other participating persons in the studio - one woman got reunited with her mum and they cried and cried for minutes while the tv-hostess tried to get them to face the cameras for a close-up shot, but all they did was hug and cry.

Watching that scenario, I started thinking.. "is that how I'd like my possible first meeting with Korean mum or dad to happen??" ... - and then I listened to an American Korean adoptee, who'd been searching for her family for years.. living in Korea but now she was close to giving up and going back to U.S. I wondered.. what made her decide to stay in Korea for years, searching - or maybe it just "happened"

.. and then it was my turn.. (as I remember from 3 previous participations live on Danish national tv with interviews on national news and (yes..) a game-quiz - it all goes much faster live and it's important to stay really fast if you want time to say what's important for oneself) It was over in a few minutes which felt like seconds.

I'm proud to say, I managed to:

1. stay awake
2. smile
3. avoid tilting the webcam

and then.. I just sat and had to sit out the program and felt zzzZZZZ until

.. a strange surge hit my stomach and I thought.. something happened (it's true) and then the person from G.O.A.L. who was at the KBS studios and online with me chatted "Are you ready to go on tv"

eh.. yes why?

"A man called in - he says, he's your father"

I just reacted logically and clicked the right buttons and listened to a man's voice, who spoke really fast and sounded very excited, looked at the very Korean polite expressions of the 2 tv-hosts and their "Nae, nae" - and then they asked out to me "So this could be your father calling in - how do you feel?"

I don't know why I said "Happy, Excited"

and then the man wanted to say more but was politely being cut off with the end-tune of the show.

and I.... was left hanging

1. no one translated what he had said

2. I typed on the online chat "what now?" and the answer was "Have to speak to KBS writer"

3. I waited but also felt the need to know so I typed "What did he say?" "pls I'd really like to know"

4. "have to speak to KBS writer first"

5. ? ?.....???

suddenly I didn't feel so sleepy anymore...think I only felt numb at that time!^^

6. I got a few info on what the man, who believed to be my father said and then I was told I'd get a mail with further info.. and that was it! Apparently the KBS staff wanted the G.O.A.L. person out so they could work.

So - me being really sleepy and having to get to work in 1½ hour, well, I just ended the online chat with "thanks and will check my mail later today"

and then ...

I waited 4 days before I heard anything again!

Okay.. it gave me time to stay relaxed and just be open-minded - but it also gave me the chance to listen to my own run-wild thoughts on "why did my mother..perhaps she .. or maybe he.. or they...and why..and ..what if.."

Update for now - I've sent some hairs for a DNA-test to see whether it's a match with the man's, who called in.. but that was one week ago :) and guess what ? no news, no mails..

I did get more detailed translation (after 4 days) of what he had said during the show when he called in and as I understand it - for me to be his daughter - (if it's exact) I would have to be born a little later than what I was told that I am....
so for now - I'll just take it as it comes


Whatever the outcome of this will be - it has already made a big difference to me.

I didn't have that much of an interest/courage earlier to search for my Korean relatives - but now something has opened up inside even though I can't yet see all the answers

If YOU*RE out there - wanting to go on KBS or other national tv-media to search for family - Do it! But prepare yourself by talking to someone who's tried it, look at other shows and ask yourself e.g. "Can I accept being part of a tv-show like this" and just remember that even though tv wishes to help out.. then - bottom-line is viewers' numbers, making tv that sells. Not to be cynical, but's a help to navigate with the media :) don't expect them to carry you through - you've got to reherse and prepare yourself and - then, just enjoy it!

You're welcome to leave a comment with email adress - if you'd like some advice from my point of view on +/- on family search via participating in tv.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Just for fun ... birthdatequiz

Still wondering how all of a sudden I got to be - 40 years old .. and still enjoy these quiz-stuff: is it a program who knows something 'bout my personality or are my friends and family just to busy to see, too sweet and soft on me for not saying the revealing stuff out in the open ?? ^^ let me see what the test says:

Your Birthdate: August 6
(yeah.. I just typed that one..)

You tend to be a the rock in relationships - people depend on you.

(have heard this yes and it often surprises me.. but actually I am the kind of.. if I have committed once then - you gotta be pretty scary before you get rid of me - okay next..)

Thoughtful and caring, you often put others needs first.
(upzs.. that one got in my face*&! but I've taught myself to remember from experience - that if I don't take care of my self first.. I can't do much good for others)

You aren't content to help those you know... you want to give to the world.
(upZ! this program really sees right through me..I remember one period of shifting values and perspectives..(called development I guess) when I couldn't take all the misery and suffering in the world and having it brought to my attention from every newspaper cover or tv-news and actually felt like crying.. and I still see my self in jobs and volountering activities where I come from the attitude of "if this will make a change for even only ONE person or ONE child - then it makes sense"..after 40 years of being idealist.. I am beginning to see that it also works well to develope a pragmatic understanding of people in order to become a matured and more focused idealist ^^ - no end to BIGGER BETTER MORE BEAUTIFUL..)

An idealist, you strive for positive change and dream about how much better things could be.
(Of course - just said it!! LET's MAKE THIS WORLD FULL OF LOVE HAPPINESS AND JOY for all people what else truly matters when all come to :)

Your strength: Your intuition
(is that the feeling I've had since childhood that all is well and feel safe?)

Your weakness: You put yourself last
(but I can wait, it's okay, as long as others are comfortable.. I just.. HALLOOO - but I just feel so loooud! when I stand up and assert myself..look out for the sheep that becomes the lion )

Your power color: Rose

likes to watch sunrises, lotus flowers, roses and it's a colour of purity so.. why not

Your power symbol: Cloud
..oh?.. okay will look into this.. ohoo - actually have been painting some of the clouds from Korean Buddhism arts on my wall - cause.. well, it's my power symbol..??

Your power month: June
hey..but what about July, August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April and May?!

... - wonder if this is really my birthday - let me try another and see how that one fits :) Now - You try!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Copenhagen Korean Links...?

Seeing this flyer for Chusok celebrations at the British Museum in London makes me wanna jump on a plane headed for London in a forth-night :) just to infuse and intoxicate myself with the invigourating rythm and sound of the Korean drum-drum-drum-drum!! plus all the personal associations and recent impressions from travelling in Korea that would go with it ^^

So - I'm lucky that we have our own "Copenhagen Korean Link" with the and the Autumn Camp coming up soon where international Korean adoptees are also invited for a weekend of fun and drum!